
Showing posts from 2018


He only seeks the pleasure of the ride little thinks he of costs that he might pay. Off he jaunts, no matter night or day. He thinks he's safe, if luck is on his side. He grants to some the power to destroy, in what might be the blinking of an eye. They look both ways or so they try, But still they cannot see this boy. He rides atop a coffin with two wheels never knowing what may be his fate. If someone doesn't see, it is too late and he or she a priceless treasure steals. All is lost because of a mistake. Too late for something to be done. One didn't see, another one is gone. Tragedy it is, for heaven's sake. So many gather weeping for the life unlived, and all the years this boy had left. So many tears, he left behind a baby and a wife.


Fear wraps its tentacles around my heart. Fear of not doing enough... not being enough... Even tighter, till my breath is gone and I cannot move. It holds me, its captive. "Fight the deadly serpent," part of me insists. "Do not let this evil win." but the fear is too strong. "I will never let you go!" it cries. "When you want to open up, I'll be there... waiting. I grow stronger when you falter. I rejoice in your mistakes. I will always prevent you from pursuing your dreams. I will always oppose you, you can never defeat me. For I am you!" Again it squeezes to prove its power over me. I shudder and shrink into myself. No one else can see this demon... my fear. "Stop." they tell me. "It's silly to be scared." I know. There is nothing, waiting in the shadows. No dragon lies in wait beyond these walls, the walls I constructed to protect myself the walls I refuse to tear down, immobilized by fe...

losing you

I didn't want to face losing you... even though I understood that nothing lasts forever. I didn't want to wake up one day to find that you were gone, out of my life forever. I didn't want to stop hearing your laugh or seeing you smile that sweet crooked smile. I didn't want to stop talking to you and hearing your reply... how I miss your advice. I never thought about how lonely my life would be without you... until you were gone. No matter how long it's been... I can still hear your voice, even though I won't ever again. Memories play like movies in my mind. The time we spent together. I cherish every minute I took for granted then. How I wish I could go back. I knew that it would happen. I knew that you would go. I just didn't want to face it. I told myself, that I would be okay. I told myself you were in a better place. It would have been selfish to make you stay. You were in pain I know. I'm sorry for a...